June 2, 2023 10:00 am - 11:00 am [FLAG RAISING CEREMONY] Queen Victoria Square, Opposite Town Hall in Sturt Street Ballarat VIC. [MORNING TEA] Town Hall.
Flag Raising Ceremony Ballarat
2nd June 2023 from 10am.
The City of Ballarat Mayor, Cr Des Hudson, members of City of Ballarat Council, City of Ballarat Intercultural Services and the Ballarat Italian Association [BIA] invite you to join us for the Italian flag raising ceremony to celebrate our community members of Italian Heritage.
The ceremony coincides with the Festa della Repubblica, which is the Italian National Day and Republic Day held on 2nd June each year.
Please join and support us on Friday 2nd June at 10am at Queen Victoria Square, Sturt St Ballarat for:
- The flag raising ceremony.
- Live singing of the Italian & Australian National Anthems by Jessica from Twilight Gypsy.
- Attendance from Black Hill Primary School student leaders.
- Italian car display.
- Traditional Italian dress.
- Concluding with a morning tea at the Town Hall.
Interested in all things Italian? Enjoy all the benefits of being a Member of the BIA, click HERE to join online now.