Monday 23rd October 2023
Starting at 6:00pm
This coming 23rd October, the Ballarat Italian Association [BIA] will be holding our Annual General Meeting [AGM].
Below is the official notice to advise of the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the BIA for its members.
If you are unsure of your current Membership status, you can, at any time, click this link or copy and paste it into your web browser to take you to your Membership login page.
The details of this meeting are as follows:
Monday 23rd October 2023.
Open from 5.30pm and commencing at: 6.00pm.
Barkly Square 25-39 Barkly Street Ballarat East Lecture Theatre – Ground Floor (Enter from side entrance).
Attached via clickable link are:
- the agenda for this meeting: BIA AGM Agenda.
- the minutes of the last annual general meeting: BIA AGM 2022 Meeting Minutes – 7th November 2022.
- nomination form for BIA Committee of Management positions (refer directions below).
- nomination form for Proxy vote (only if required): Proxy Vote Form.
At the meeting, paid members will have the opportunity to:
- find out about BIA’s operations and finances.
- ask questions about the operations and finances of the BIA.
- speak about any items on the agenda.
At the meeting, paid members will be asked to VOTE (if required) to:
- accept the minutes of the last annual general meeting.
- accept the annual report (The BIA’s yearly report to members, documenting its activities and finances in the previous financial year).
- accept the auditor’s report.
- accept the annual financial statements.
- appoint an auditor for the next financial year.
- elect Committee of Management.
BIA Committee of Management Position Nominations:
- Nominations for positions on the Committee of Management must be submitted on the completed nomination form link here: BIA AGM Committee Nomination Form.
- Nominations must be received no later than 7 days before the AGM by:
- email to or
- post to BIA Admin Officer, PO Box 167, Ballarat, VIC 3353.
RSVP Attendance for AGM:
Following the AGM business please join us for light refreshments. Please RSVP your attendance for catering purposes by 12:00 noon on 16th October 2023 by:
- Selecting your seat via this ticket link
COVIDSafe AGM Requirements:
Choose to stay well: We can all stay well by choosing to stay ahead of COVID. Choose to stay safe by wearing a mask in indoor settings, getting together in well-ventilated spaces and staying up to date with vaccinations. Full details can be obtained here:
Enjoy all the benefits of being a Member of the BIA, click HERE to join online now.